I've spent the day cleaning out one of my Lola's cabinet. It should have taken me at most 40 minutes, because its really just a small space but since I was really looking through all her stuff, it took me two hours. I'm a sucker for old pictures and here are some them that I just can't help but...well, for the lack of a better word, steal. (Don't tell on me!)
Lovely couple right? These are my grandparents. They got married when my Lola was 16 and my Lolo was 22. They lasted for 51 years, until my Lolo died last year. Those 51 years are not all rosy, but they stayed together and they stayed in love until the last day. If you noticed, the picture was ripped apart but it was taped back together again; with a red, electrical tape! Now, that is true love.

This was taken during my christening party. My Lola is carrying me, while my mom sits nearby with the other guests, and her Lola is in the forefront looking every bit of a Doña that she is. Do you notice, there wasn't a single guy in the photo? I love this picture, it says a lot about how my family does things. If mothers are oceans the daughters never escape from, then the grandmothers must be the sky that would never leave us.

My parent's wedding picture, with their parents. I took these because I want to examine what features they have that I inherited and with a deeper analysis, what personalities they have that they passed on. You wouldn't see this, but I hate my mom's make up! Okay, from left to right are Daddy Tatay, Mpmmy Nanay, Momy, Daddy, Mommy Lily and Lolo Jorge. I think I have my Mom Lily's chhekbones and the shape of her face. I have my Dad's nose and smile. I have my Mom's eyebrows and my Daddy Tatay's eyes. I have my Mom's ears.
One of them is me, the other isn't; but both pictures have a caption that said "sweet smile from baby yna!" No wonder I didn't recognize the other baby, it was actually my brother. Haha, he got mistaken for a girl! He was wearing pink and little flowers to boot! I looked like my mom in this picture, but now I look more like my dad. My brother look like his son.This day was lovely.