When it dawned on me that I am going to manage three blogs with each set of keywords and intersecting keywords, I realised I also have to write regularly on this blog.
I want to find my writing style. Or develop one. I don't know my style yet but I know what I want it to be. I want it to be easy to read, engaging, funny, sometimes sarcastic, honest, thoughtful without being too serious.
I want my readers to feel like they are just reading a note by a friend, who maybe has her quirks, sometimes bordering flat out weird but still amusing on her own little way. And since I am writing about my life, I may appear neurotic sometimes but that's exactly why I have this blog. So i can have a different perspective on how I am living my life.
Now that my depression is over,I thought of making a new blog or erasing all the previews entries just like I did years ago, but I can't bear to do that. I owe so much to this blog that let have an outlet, kept me sane and sometimes let me pretend that I have a life these past four years. Though some of these entries make me blush, I am keeping them here. They are history but they are my history.
So, happy reading.