I really don't know what I am going to write about I just really feel like writing. I can talk about the elections but I think I'm going to wait till after the results are complete. Anyway, the indelible ink isn't really that indelible. And so far I like what I'm seeing with the results. In Pampanga, a priest won over two very influential people. That is amazing. A real people power, I hope he won't dissapoint his people. But i'm still going to wait till the count is over before I talk about the elections. I just really want to type right now.
I can talk about Shrek, but I have to see it first and I don't like going to theaters during the first week of showing, there's too many over-excited kids.
I guess I just want to tire my hands.
ohh...I have to take back some of the stuffs I said. I reread the poems I wrote for delfin, and they didn't really suck. They need some work but they didn't suck. I realized that the first one was actually better than the other. The second is actually corny in the middle part. And he isn't that horrible. I mean, yes he was a jerk but he's not all that. I recently remembered some good memories, it wasn't so bad. It's not like I'm going soft...I guess I'm being okey with things. Finally. You see, its easy to hate him when he isn't around. I can't hate him if he is part of my world, I can't be that mean.
Well, my hands are still not tired. What else to talk about. My lola is coming home. Yey!
I have no idea what to do with dollar boy. I have to do something. Not something big but something significant. Figure that out. I really like him. I really want him. I cannot imagine losing him without ever having him. I can't let that happen.
Things are getting melodramatic. I guess its the hour or not. I have to stop. Growing up is calling, I have to heed it. I need to get out of this drama.