My sister begged me to watch the Rivermaya concert in SM Sta. Rosa. Since I am a good sister and I love her very much I agreed, eventhough dirty-looking guys in black shirts creeps the hell out of me. Besides, I've already seen them perform live so they no longer excite me. But my sister was really happy, in fact "happy" does not seem to be enough so i have to search the net for a bigger word for happy. She is exulted. If I am that happy, I think I will float. And Rivermaya is really good. I've always love watching someone doing what they're great at. Anyway, what made the night very interesting for me was when my Bhubhu was asking for their autograph and Rico's picture, I told her to also take a picture of Japs. So this is how their conversation went:
Bhubhu: Picture para kay Ate.
Japs: Asan si Ate?
Bhubhu pointed out Ate.
Japs waved at me.
I waved back
Japs: Ang cute pala ni Ate.
Well, Japs, I think your'e so fine as well.
So Japs Sergio said I'm cute. It doesn't even matter that he probably had forgotten about me by now. He's a rockstar, he must always be surrounded by beautiful women, but still at that moment he thinks I'm cute.
I really don't know where this entry is going to, maybe I just want to brag, a rockstar said I'm cute. (Take that, my ex Dried Danget!)
I used to hate it when people describe me as cute, but then I also describe a lot of people cute including Japs. For me, "cute" is in the same league as "cool". Everybody understands it but it almost doesn't mean anything. It's just a word. And I guess, words have lost their meaning in this age. Or maybe, words have become so subjective. It means differently to different people, even if they are involved in the same conversation. Words have become open to different interpretation, you almost forget what they really mean. Especially if they are weak words like cute and cool. But for powerful words like "love", they don't really lose their meaning even if every person have an interpretation of what love means. You see, they are more than 6 billion people on earth, so there must be more than 6 billion interpretations of the word love; but deep down, love still meant the same thing. It means something more than words can give meaning to.
I think its funny how I turned this into something remotely philosophical.
Anyway, what I like about the Japs incident is if he thinks I'm cute then, Mr. Dollar Boy, who works with women who can almost blend into the walls, must think I'm way more than cute. Especially, when japs saw me, I'm just wearing a T-shirt and doesn't even have any make-up on (fine, i have lipgloss) whereas, whenever Mr. Dollar Boy sees me, I make sure I'm perfect. Hmmm.... now, if only he will say something.
Another thing, Japs doesn't have to say I'm cute but he still did (heck, he doesn't have to wave at me! That was sweet, thank you Japs. And you didn't look like rockstar when you did that, you just look normal and normal felt good :D) Atleast he's better than the rest of us, who wants to say something, who have to say something but still keeps our mouth shut.
I don't really have a crush on Japs, but I guess now i couldn't help myself to smile when i see him on TV. He's a rockstar! I have a right to feel kilig!:P
And, being a good Ate, definitely have its benefits! hehe