Here is why:
You got me stuck onto you even if I don't want to.
You smoke, you will be the death of me.
You make me worry.
You got me to write a poem when I am not suppose to.
(I am so waking up on January 2)
That Awesome Moment When..
Who would have thought
that the silence
between us is the best way
to communicate.
It was a long jeepney ride
no doubt. But no one guessed
how interesting it would be.
Rush hour
was oblivious to the start
of the game we play. Of not
seeing while fully knowing.
Not acknowledging while fully
feeling. It turned into a sport
where we compete how best
we can pretend that each other
don't exist.
How surprising the world
of secret smiles is. Indeed,
it became a world where others
exist with their loud laughter
and hidden innuendo. Where
we may sit at opposite ends
of the table and not share
a word to each other. not
seeming to share a world
at all. But when others
become preoccupied and our
eyes meet, that knowing smile.
that playful arched eyebrow.
the world is ours and the others
are but shadows.
How surprising everything is
... the awkwardness that persist
between our pressing thighs
gave way to the comfort we hold
in our interlocking hands.